Esporta Soft Goods Mold cleaning in Cherry Hill NJ
Esporta Soft Goods Mold cleaning in Cherry Hill NJ.
The Esporta Wash System, if used within a reasonable amount of time after a loss, can recover approximately 85% of the smoke, soot and water damaged goods that would otherwise be considered non-restorable. This unique patented process employs hydraulic pressure to clean and remove the soot, bacteria and other contaminants.
Independent laboratory studies have been performed to test the effectiveness of the Esporta Wash System for the cleaning of soft goods and textiles impacted by sewage contamination.
The results have shown that the Esporta Wash System is successful in removing bacteria from the sewage contaminated goods with a 99.9% efficacy.
Category 2 and 3 water damaged soft contents can now be successfully restored using the Esporta Wash System.
Insurance companies who utilize the Esporta Certified Operators of North America see significant claims savings by paying for restoration cleaning versus full replacement value.
Homeowners benefit by the restorer’s ability to recover their cherished and essential items with a much quicker turnaround.